12 Common Signs You Should See A Cardiologist Immediately

12 Common Signs You Should See A Cardiologist Immediately

Our cardiovascular system carries all the required nutrients and oxygen to the other parts of our body. This is why it is highly essential to ensure cardiac health and live a disease-free life with a healthy heart. If you suffer from any cardiac abnormalities then it is essential to book an appointment with an experienced cardiologist in Siliguri, like those at Star Hospital. Our experts can help minimize the complications of disorders affecting your blood vessels and heart.

It is also recommended to schedule regular check-ups to analyse your health condition. In the routine examination, the doctor will examine your glucose levels, cholesterol, weight, and blood pressure which will also help to check your cardiovascular health. Based on the results, the doctor may prescribe medications, dietary changes, exercise, and other lifestyle improvements to reduce the chances of serious heart problems. 

Role Of A Cardiologist 

Cardiologists are qualified professionals who can help you diagnose, treat, and prevent disorders affecting your cardiovascular system. They can enable you to ensure the proper health of your body’s blood vessels and heart. Cardiologists also play a significant role in examining patients with accurate diagnostic tests such as chest X-ray, cardiac catheterisation, cardiac CT, and echocardiogram. 

Additionally, these medical professionals are also trained to handle cardiac emergencies effectively, which include heart failure, cardiac arrest, hypertension crisis, serious arrhythmia, and acute coronary syndrome. In this medical crisis, it is advised to visit the best heart specialist hospital near you where you can get professional support and early intervention. 

Discover The Common Signs When You Must Consult A Cardiologist Immediately

1.  Recurrent Episodes of Chest Pain 
One of the most common symptoms of serious heart issues is severe chest pain. If you experience frequent episodes of chest discomfort then it is essential to visit a cardiologist immediately. In some cases, the chest pain can also be unrelated to cardiologic issues such as ulcers, Gastroesophageal reflux disease, pancreatitis, and gastritis. 

However, ignoring the chest pain and not treating the underlying conditions can lead you towards a heart attack due to the lack of blood flow in the heart. The chest pain, pressure, or crushing feeling associated with cardiovascular problems may worsen while performing physical activities. 

2.  Shortness of Breath 
Heart disease can lead to the symptoms of shortness of breath or palpitations along with dizziness. In such cases, it is essential to contact a reputed heart health professional in Siliguri who can identify the cause of breathlessness which is also impacting your daily life activities. 

If you’re overexerting your body with exercise then it can be normal to experience shortness of breath but when this sign becomes a regular thing then it can indicate a concerning issue requiring immediate treatment. Atrial fibrillation, heart failure, and angina are some of the probable heart conditions that can cause this sign.

3.  Diabetes 
Diabetes is one of the most common disorders across the globe which develops due to increased levels of blood glucose. Apart from chronic kidney disease and obesity, diabetic patients also have a higher risk of heart conditions. Hence, if you’re suffering from diabetes or in a pre-diabetic stage then you must consider seeing a cardiologist. 

Diabetic patients who also suffer from high triglycerides, LDL, and blood pressure are more likely to experience poor cardiac health. Some of the heart issues associated with diabetes are cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, and heart failure. Constant monitoring of your heart condition will help you to overcome the issue of abnormal cardiac functioning. 

4.  Consistent High Blood Pressure Levels 
In some cases, blood pressure doesn’t show any prominent symptoms which can create a negative effect on your heart. This is why it is pivotal to regularly monitor your blood pressure and if a consistent spike in the pressure levels is seen then you must contact a Cardiac specialist 

This is because high blood pressure can make it harder for the heart to maintain blood circulation while making you prone to experience a heart attack or stroke. The Cardiology expert will prescribe you certain medications to promote blood circulation and manage blood pressure which will further reduce the risk of cardiovascular issues. 

5.  High Cholesterol 
Another sign which indicates that you must book an appointment with a renowned cardiologist in Siliguri is high cholesterol levels. High cholesterol levels lead to excessive plaque formation in the arteries which ultimately become the main factor behind cardiovascular problems. 

You’re at high risk of experiencing serious heart disease and stroke due to the increased cholesterol levels. The cardiologist will recommend the required medications and dietary improvements to lower the levels of cholesterol as well as a heart attack. You must always remember to schedule regular consultations and check your cholesterol levels to ensure cardiovascular well-being.

6.  Irregular Heartbeat 
One of the most serious symptoms indicating urgent care from a cardiologist is an irregular heartbeat or heart arrhythmia. This issue mainly happens when the electrical signals of your heart don’t function properly. There are three types of irregular heartbeat which include fast heartbeat or tachycardia, premature heartbeat, and slow heartbeat or bradycardia. 

Cardiomyopathy and decreased blood flow in the arteries are the probable causes of tachycardia. On the other hand, any issues with the sinoatrial node of the heart can lead to bradycardia. Additionally, premature atrial and ventricular contractions causing extra heartbeats also need to be treated at the right time to reduce the chances of arrhythmia.

7.  Smoking Habits  
People with a smoking history have a doubled risk of developing heart disease as compared to those who haven’t smoked once in their lifetime. This is because the chemicals produced while smoking tobacco can lead to plaque build-up and cause significant damage in the arteries which can further cause serious heart blockages.

If you have a history of smoking and experience breathlessness after quitting, it's crucial to contact our expert cardiologist in Siliguri. Sudden breathlessness post-smoking cessation could indicate serious cardiovascular issues and blockages, necessitating immediate attention.

8.  Sudden Fainting or Dizziness 
Sudden fainting or syncope is another sign when you must see a Cardiovascular physician. In most of the cases, syncope can be the only warning sign for cardiac arrest and death. Before fainting, you can also experience a pre-syncope where you may feel dizzy or nauseated. 

Some of the common cardiovascular conditions that can cause fainting are aortic dissection, arrhythmia, and aortic valve stenosis. To determine the main cause behind the constant syncope, the doctor may diagnose your condition with an exercise stress test, electrocardiogram, and physical examination. In some cases, ICD, catheter ablation, and pacemaker are important to cure sudden fainting. 

9.  Family History 
Genetic or inherited cardiac conditions are a major reason why you must contact a cardiologist. You can do extensive research about your family history and ask questions to the family members to detect a pattern of cardiac conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or death due to a heart attack.

If your family members experience certain cardiac disorders then you’re also more likely to develop those conditions due to the genetic changes. The doctor will help you take the required action along with frequent monitoring to ensure cardiac health. 

10.  History of Preeclampsia 
If you have a history of preeclampsia during pregnancy then also it is essential to seek the guidance of an experienced cardiologist. This is because preeclampsia increases the chance of heart attack post-delivery, which is more likely if you experience shortness of breath, fatigue, and chest pain during pregnancy. 

This hypertensive disorder increases your risk of developing high blood pressure, stroke, and coronary heart disease. Regular monitoring of blood pressure and cardiac condition is necessary to reduce the long-term health effects of preeclampsia. In most situations, this condition resolves on its own after 12 weeks of delivery but if you suffer from postpartum preeclampsia then you need urgent care. 

11.  Starting a Vigorous Exercise Regimen
It is always a better idea to see a Heart care specialist if you have decided to start a new exercise regimen with vigorous or high-intensity workouts. This consultation before starting physical activity is more important for those who currently have an inactive or sedentary lifestyle.

During the routine check-up, the doctor will check for any underlying health issues that can put you at risk while exercising. It is also not advisable to partake in an intense exercise program suddenly if you have diabetes, kidney disease, or a history of a heart attack. While exercising, your heart beats faster and if you have any issue with the normal heart rhythms then the entire scenario can worsen suddenly.

12.  Sudden Weight Gain And Swollen Legs 
You must also consider visiting a cardiologist if you experience the symptoms of swollen legs and weight gain. These are the most common signs of congestive heart failure that require urgent intervention. 

This condition develops when your heart doesn’t hold the required amount of blood and as a result, it gets collected in the legs, feet, or lungs. Along with swollen legs, you may experience other symptoms as well such as hard stomach, fatigue, chest pain, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and loss of appetite. 

Alongside seeking guidance from a cardiologist in Siliguri, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is vital for heart health. Incorporate habits like quitting smoking, eating a balanced diet, regular exercise, avoiding trans-fat, and managing stress. Visit our expert cardiologists at Star Hospital for comprehensive cardiac care

Dr. Joy Shannyal
Meet Our Contributing Expert:

Clinical expertise and insights for this article were provided by Dr. Joy Shannyal, MD, DM a renowned Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery. Delve deeper into their professional profile here for more comprehensive information.

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