Haematology is the branch of medicine and pathology that focuses on understanding and diagnosing blood-related diseases. They also provide holistic services to manage rare blood disorders.

The Department of Haematology of Star Hospital is dedicated towards studying blood and its related disorders. We comprise a team of highly skilled haematologists who specialize in understanding components of the blood and treating both common and rare blood disorders. Treatment of bone marrow, blood cells, and platelets are some of the common disorders treated by haematologists.

Key Treatments

  • Lymphoma
  • Acute Leukaemia
  • Chronic Leukaemia
  • Platelet Disorders
  • Plasma Cell Disorders
  • Haemoglobin Disorders

Haematology Doctors

Dr. Gunjan H Prasad

Dr. Gunjan H Prasad

MBBS, DCP, DNB, DrNB, Hemato-Oncologist & BMT

Make An Appointment

Frequently Asked Questions on Haematology

What is the use of white blood cells?

White blood cells are the defence system of the body that fights infections and bacteria preventing you from various diseases. A lack of white blood cells in the body increases the risk of illness.

Many factors affect the level of haemoglobin in the body most of which are iron deficiency, urinary tract infections and liver problems. Consuming iron-rich foods can help to manage the haemoglobin levels.

Bone pain, blood in urine, dizziness, and excessive menstrual bleeding are all major indications of blood disorders.

It is a rare condition when there is a high chance of blood clotting in the body resulting in abnormal blood flow within the body. This can lead to swelling within the body leading to serious health complications.

AB positive is regarded as the universal recipient and can receive blood from any blood type. Whereas, O negative is regarded as a universal donor that can give blood to any blood type.

It is advised to check your blood with Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) and Complete Blood Count (CBC) once every year. However, another blood test may depend on your age and medical conditions.

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